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Offshore Medical Checkup for Oil & Gas Industry such as Petronas, Shell, AME, OGUK and more by Klinik As Salam

Offshore Medical Check Up for Oil & Gas (OGUK)

We provide various of types of offshore medical check up for Oil & Gas industry in Malaysia, such as MPM Petronas, Shell , OGUK and Malaysian Seafarer and more by our certified Approved Medical Examiner(AME) who is also an OHD examiner in Klinik As Salam!

An offshore medical check-up is a comprehensive health assessment required for individuals working in the oil and gas industry, particularly those involved in offshore operations. This examination ensures that workers are physically and mentally fit to handle the challenging conditions associated with offshore work, such as remote locations, potential exposure to occupational hazards, and safety-critical responsibilities. The examination includes a range of tests and assessments designed to evaluate the overall health and fitness of the worker.

Our medical examination will include the following:

Physical Examination – Our physical examination is conducted to examine the body systems of the workers during the certain period of work and to detetct any physical signs of diseases or health disorders so that preventive steps can be taken.

X-Ray Examination – We are Using the latest innovation in processing of radiography imaging, which is called Computed Radiography(CR), greater benefits can be obtain in comparison with conventional radiography.

Urine Test – Our urine test able to detect any early signs of kidney disease, biological monitoring for metabolites screened during medical surveillance and for urine drug screening at site/ point of collection and for confirmatorydrug test.

Audiometry Test – A hearing (audiometric) test is part of an ear examination that tests how well a person can hear and detect noise as induced hearing loss as an occupational disease. Standard of Sound Proof Room meets ANSI S3. 1-1991 Maximum Permissible Ambient Noise Levels for Audiometry. (iDENTICAL TO iso 8253-1:1989). The audiogram results have been programmed so as to help the company to diagnose Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL), Standard Threshold Shift(STS), and compensation replacement value.

Spirometry Test – Spriometry is the test used to measure how well your lungs are functioning. The test works by measuring airflow in and out of your lungs.

Oil & Gas MPM Offshore Medical Check UP Poster Package Pricing by Kilink As Salam

– Additional Things To Take Note Before Screening

  • Fasting needed before the test for about 6 to 8 hours – during this period drinking water is allowed.
  • If you are consuming other medication do continue – only Diabetes Medicine are not allowed before the test.
  • The examination will take roughly about 1 to 3 hours time, do allow such time interval.
  • For certain companies, some extra examination might be required therefore time taken might be longer.

Certified for Petronas MPM Offshore , Shell AME, OEUK (Formerly OGUK) And Malaysia Seafarer Medical Examination

  • Petronas MPM Offshore Klinik Assalam Kajang offer PETRONAS offshore medical examination in Malaysia. The medical examination is required by workers who intend to work in Malaysia upstream Oil & Gas industry.
  • OIL & GAS Energy UK (OEUK). We are authorized to perform Oil and Gas UK (OGUK – formerly UKOOA) offshore medicals (Registered:  Dr. Mohamed Neezar Mahadzir Bin Aris OGUK/2015/2170). The OEUK Offshore Medical is valid for two years and allows an employee to work in the UK sector or the North Sea.  However some persons may be given certificates of shorter duration if they have medical problems that need earlier review.
  • Marine Department Malaysia Seafarer Medical Examination is also available at Klinik Assalam Bangi and Kajang. Every person, who shall be engaged for employment in a vessel, must have a certificate attesting to his fitness for the work for which he is to be employed at sea signed by a medical practitioner of seafarers. He must be in good health and is not allowed to have any disease likely to be aggravated on board ship or to endanger the health of other persons on board. All of seafarer health certificate is in accordance with the requirements of Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping, 1978(STCW 1978) as amended and the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC 2006).
  • Shell AME, Klinik Assalam Kajang  offer Shell Fitness to Work medical examination in Malaysia. The medical examination is required by workers who intend to work in Shell Upstream and downstream for Malaysia and Brunei Operation.
  • Petronas AME Clinic at Klinik Assalam Bangi is for workers who intends to go to Petronas Onshore Installation Unit.
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