Clinic Obstetrics & Gynaecology - (O&G)

Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic

OBGYN, also known as Obstetrics/Gynecology (O&G), is a field of medicine that includes two separate subspecialties, obstetrics and gynecology. The subspecialty of obstetrics involves the treatment and care of women during pregnancy, the birth process, and after childbirth.

Obstetrics involves the care of pregnant women, childbirth, and the postpartum period. This includes baby checkups, pregnancy growth monitoring, and postpartum support.

Gynecology involves women’s reproductive health care, including menstrual problems, benign tumors, and cancers of the reproductive organs.

When Should You Get O&G Treatments? 

  • To undergo an annual gynecological examination.
  • To obtain pre-pregnancy counseling/assessment.
  • To receive antenatal care/during pregnancy.
  • To receive postpartum care.
  • For advice on breastfeeding.
  • For family planning and pregnancy prevention.
  • To assess and treat irregular menstruation.
  • To assess and treat excessive menstruation.
  • To treat painful menstruation.
  • To undergo cervical cancer screening.
  • To deal with menopause problems.
  • To treat urinary incontinence.
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